Monthly Archives: October 2013

(G)ENDA back up for a vote in the Senate

The Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) has been introduced to Congress numerous times, and is up for a Senate vote again, but has thus far failed to be enshrined in law. Currently, there is no federal employment protection for gay, lesbian, and trans-identified people: we can be fired simply for being homosexual or gender non-compliant. These […]

EXCERPTS FROM ‘Hormone troubles: Feminist analyses of contemporary neurosciences’

These excerpts from a recently released paper entitled Hormone troubles: Feminist analyses of contemporary neurosciences  (doi: 10.1177/0306312713488843 Social Studies of Science October 2013 vol. 43 no. 5 780-791) represent several ways that sexist bias continues to undermine scientific research and analysis about the brain. One of the biggest problems is continued reliance on untested and unproven assumptions about causation between brain structure and […]